North West Digital Stories (NWDS) /H.Y.P.E.

This project demonstrates how 3C projects can link creative training and community engagement to the development of content for local destination branding. NWDS/H.Y.P.E. takes community storytelling and links it to the interpretation of place with the authentic voices of local people. The project was driven by a non-government youth organisation and a group of young people with disability. They identified an opportunity to combine digital storytelling with a demand for local content. The Moondarra Memories video was made by the group under professional guidance, providing a significant contribution to their wellbeing, self esteem and capacity. Their initiative demonstrated how to link the disability sector to inclusive economic development thereby opening up new, more empowered relations between the community and regional economic development. It is an example of 3C’s “design for mutual benefit” in the creation of cross sector initiatives.

Young People Ahead - key project partner

Community Services Industry Alliance - key project partner

Young People Ahead project team

Young People Ahead project team

Project output